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Individual Psychotherapy

Whether it's struggling at work, school or difficulty with friendships or romantic relationships, people seek individual therapy for a variety of reasons. Psychotherapy is effective in creating long term change. 


Whether you're feeling stuck or you’re experiencing major transitions, my approach is relatable and real with an eye toward change. I can assist you with:  

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Job dissatisfaction

  • Family conflict and estrangement

  • Women’s Health Issues

  • Break-ups

  • Finding Meaning and Purpose

Couples Counseling

Your relationship can feel

different than it does today 

You’re tired of feeling misunderstood and confused in your relationship.

You’ve tried to over-explain your side and what you need and all it leads to is you both arguing and feeling more disconnected. Nothing ever feels resolved. 


What We'll Work On


  • Improve your level of communication and understanding of each other

  • Prioritize your relationship and time to practice communication skills

  • Build trust with each other

  • Reduce the number of arguments that tear down your connection 

  • Improve your conflict management 

  • Reconnect with the joy and love you connected on before

  • Improve your level of intimacy, emotional and physical

Dandelion Parachute Seed

LGBTQ+ Individuals and Families

LGBTQ adults can find themselves facing thoughts and feelings new to them for the first time in their lives and might not have an LGBTQ community, friends, or family to turn to.  Or seasoned LGBTQ veterans might still be struggling with gender dysmorphia, social inequality, or simply trying to find happiness in general – a struggle that spans both the LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ communities.


Grow­ing up can be hard. Grow­ing up iden­ti­fy­ing as les­bian, gay, bisex­u­al, trans­gen­der, queer or ques­tion­ing (LGBTQ) is even hard­er. If you're the parent of a teen who identifies as LGBTQ+, you might feel completely lost as to what to do. How do you talk about sex? What about pronouns? Sometimes you may feel like you don't even know who your child is anymore. I can work with you to get a better understanding of what is going on in your child's mind, body, and heart. We will work to improve your relationship with your child and address fears or concerns you might have. You love them fiercely, but sometimes it doesn't make any sense to you. Let's sort it out together. 

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